The Rime of the Modern Mariner
My first book, this was an adaptation of the famous English Romantic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Samuel Taylor Colerdige, Written in the same meter and rhyming scheme as the original, it was set in the very modern disaster zone of the North Pacific Gyre, where a 9km tall column of plastic waste, with twice the area of Texas, has accumulated. This book was translated into German and French and continues to sell very well.
Woody Guthrie and the Dust Bowl Ballads
A graphic novel following the political awakening of America’s most famous folk singer, Woody Guthrie. From the moment he picks up his first harmonica, to the moment he writes his most famous song, This Land is Your Land, this book uses Woody Guthrie’s life as a prism to explore the wider issues of the Great American Dust Bowl. It looks at the devastating effect of Henry Fords ploughs, the factory farms and wheat crops that ravaged the 50 million year old ecology of prairie grass.
I am currently working on two more books for Penguin Random House, one a silent story called Cormorance, about two kids that swim to the island in the middle of a city reservoir. And second The Drunken Sailor, which tells the life story of French poet Arthur Rimbaud.